Which scooter should I choose?

Guide: How to find the right scooter for your needs

Today there is a wide range of different scooters that are suitable for each individual's needs. For some, the scooter is a really good and healthy way to get from A to B, and for others, the scooter is a sporting tool used to cultivate skater culture and constantly challenge themselves and their friends with new tricks.

At ScootWorld, as specialists in scooters, we have a bit of everything. Here you will find, among other things, an assortment of these types of scooters:

Trick scooters - Scooters for transport - Scooters for trampolines - Three-wheeled scooters

But which scooter should you choose if you are buying one for the first time? We will try to give you an answer to that on this page.


A scooter is a really good means of transport that helps children and young people develop their motor skills. But in fact, there are also quite a few adults who use the scooter as a means of transport today.

If you know in advance that you are primarily looking for a scooter for transport, you can advantageously choose a scooter that gives you the greatest possible comfort and riding pleasure. Scooters for transport often have somewhat larger wheels than, for example, scooters intended for tricks.


The scooter is a fun alternative to walking or cycling from one place to another. It is of course faster than walking - but it also requires that the surface is relatively even, even though the wheels are designed to be able to cope with unevenness up to a certain level. If you have a route that you regularly walk or drive, which is not too long and where the roads are not too busy, you can easily choose the transport roller on the days when it is not raining. The scooter also has the advantage over a bicycle that it is easy to transport and store when you arrive. That way, you don't have to lock your scooter, as it can easily be taken under your arm and placed somewhere out of the way until you need to return.

When should I choose a transport scooter?

You should choose a scooter for transport if you are not interested in doing many different tricks on your scooter. If the primary purpose is to use your scooter for transport, you might as well opt for the extra driving pleasure and speed of a slightly faster scooter with larger and softer wheels, capable of taking you forward on several common types of substrates that you find in most urban environments.

You can see the overview of all the scooters that are suitable for transport by clicking on the link here. Here you will find both models suitable for children, young people and adults.


These specially designed scooters are for you who like to challenge yourself with tricks at different levels. In contrast to the scooters that are primarily for transport, this type of scooter often has somewhat smaller wheels that are also somewhat harder. This makes them a little less comfortable to ride on - but that way they are also clearly better suited to the physical loads that they must be able to withstand when you use them for repeated jumps and tricks with tremendous pressure on the weight.

Even so, there are many who still choose to use their trick scooters for transport, as they often look a bit cooler than a classic scooter.


A trick scooter is generally distinguished by being designed for very heavy loads. That way, a trick scooter is no stronger than the weakest component. And the many different tricks you can do on a scooter place different demands on what your scooter must be able to withstand.

First of all, there are the jumps, which naturally make demands on the wheels. But this also applies to the ball bearings and the tire that your wheels are attached to. It is not possible for the quality of your scooter to deteriorate noticeably after you have done just 20-30 tricks on it. That is why it is important that you buy a specially designed trick scooter if you know that at one point or another you would like to learn some cool tricks. In addition to the jumps, there are also slides, grinds and stalls, which place special demands on your deck – i.e. the actual platform you have your feet on when you ride your scooter. And last but not least, it requires some good quality grip tape, as it wears out much faster during aggressive driving and tricks than when you simply use the scooter for transport.


At ScootWorld we are particularly fond of trick scooters. That's why you also find everything in spare parts that you need as your various parts on your trick scooter wear out. In this way, you can also assemble your very own scooter from scratch if you feel like it.

Read our guide on how to build your own custom trick scooter here.

When should I choose a trick scooter?

You should choose a trick scooter if, for example, you have a lot of friends who like to get together and learn new tricks, have fun together and challenge and inspire each other. You can of course also practice alone. But trick roller skating and other forms of skating are largely about having fun with each other through physical activities with tricks and personal expression.

See the current overview of all trick scooters in our webshop here.


The three-wheel models are suitable for those who do not yet have the necessary balance or motor skills to be able to control a scooter with two wheels yet. Because it naturally requires a bit of speed and a basic sense of balance. But with a three-wheeled scooter, anyone can speed things up and get a really good feel for what it means to push off with your foot and stand up on the scooter and ride off.

There is a very big difference in when you should choose a three-wheeled scooter rather than a scooter. If you are a parent, you probably have the best feeling for your child's motor skills. And if your child is not quite ready to step onto one of the two-wheeled ones yet, a three-wheeled scooter only helps to strengthen and develop your child's necessary skills, which also come in handy in many other situations where your child has to move and coordinate his movements.

When should I choose the three-wheeled scooter?

You should choose a three-wheeled scooter when you or your child needs to develop the motor skills until they are sufficient to handle one of the two-wheeled models. In some cases, however, it is also a healthy challenge to start with one of the two-wheeled versions. It's a bit like learning to ride a bike.

See the overview of all our three-wheel scooters for the smallest children here.


Many choose our popular trampoline scooters as an addition to their trick scooters. Here you have the opportunity to gain good height on your jumps and practice the various tricks and movements while you land on a soft and yielding surface. It is also a hugely fun activity in itself.

See our selection of running wheels for trampolines here.


It is important that you sit down and think a little about what your specific needs are when you are going to buy a new scooter. You probably already know a little about it - but there are several advantages to be gained if you choose a scooter that perfectly suits your style and level.

At ScootWorld, we are one of the country's leaders in scooters, and we are happy to help you find your next scooter. We can give you advice and guidance on what to choose based on what you would like and also make sure that you get a scooter in just the right size. So don't hold back from contacting us if you have several questions about what kind of scooter you should choose.